Anna Christie spoke on her Restraint Project work on toilet training on ABC Radio National's Counterpoint program on Sept 15 ... download mp3
Blog on the Restraint Project, an Australasian research project on the virtue of temperance: its history and present applicability.
A very sensible contribution to the "education" of mothers and many others including grandmothers!). I have had an involvement in the management of delayed control, both at night-time (bedwetting/nocturnal enuresis) and daytime (daytime wetting, daytime enuresis). Initially in teenagers but in recent years at many ages over five (and sometimes younger). This involvement has been linked to the use of a range of strategies but has focussed on the merits of early use of alarm systems in those children not responding to an "active" attempt with parent or carer working together with the child to get trained (and not leaving the child to initiate or dictate the process) ie I agree with Anna Christie from the Restraint project. There is an abundance of research to indicate that wetting in the over-fives is much more likely than non-intervention or medication (eg Minirin) to acheive long-term dryness. My experience has been with the Malem body-worn alarm (which I introduced with Dr Malem in 1982)and with an adjustemnt of strategy, sometimes a range of srategies for individual children success rates are very high , see . In recent years I have been especially impressed with an early active approach in children with a disability and formed the view that training is often not introduced at the "usual" time because of concerns about the disability or a failure to adjust the approah eg in autistic children, but as the process is not dependant on intellectual function but on maturity of the physical process toilet training can start early and before the child is stressed by the many more complex life-tasks that the older child must attempt to master.
It is probable that an early and active approach to toilet training and not a child controlled policy will result in less children with enuresis ie wetting after five. It is also important not to accept wetting when initial "training" is not effective. but to return to "training" at intervals and at five or close to that age to look at more active interventions.
(Dr) Martin Knapp. Specialist nephrologist Melbourne Australia
I have just finished reading your report. I thought you might be interested in looking at my "Part Time Nappy Free" website which is aimed at re-skilling parents in gentle toilet learning skills of the past, and indeed before nappies were developed.
We do EC orselves (I have a 3.5 year old who took over his poop needs from 16 months with few accidents from 5-6 months, and a 4 month old with some special care needs (Talipes) who is increasingly communicative about his elimination assistance needs.)
My enjoyment comes from the enhanced communication it offers us, the environmental 'good vibes' of reducing then minimising our nappy dependence, and the substantial savings we have made (Meaning that I am able to be 'at home' with my boys due to our various parenting decisions.) I shudder when looking at the cost of those 'Pull Ups'! Early Toilet training has not been the overriding aim, as EC is a process - oriented activity, not a goal-oriented one for us - that would be a frustrating way to go for so many months I'd imagine!
So, I've just launched this site last month. In 2 weeks I have had 197 parents sign up to receive free insights into starting EC from their baby's early days with gentleness, fun and confidence.
I have resources on my Grandma's experiences doing this with her own 7 children from age 3-4 months, and in fact, she was surprised I have websites on this topic as she thought Mums still did it this way, saying "But surely they don't just let them mess themselves when you can help them?"
The main concept for giving parents confidence is the idea of using just one less nappy a day.
and considering the environmental aspects:
As well as combining with Modern Cloth Nappies:
I hope the conference went well!
P.S I have a diaper version of the site as well;
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